

Sent in by George Tucker of Bedhampton we see a wonderful photograph of the children who lived in the tight community of Landport in 1937. George is fifth from the left front row and his sister Audrey third right second row. other names George remembers are Kenny Finch, Iris Grooms, Bella Jenkins.COSHAM & NORTH STREET CHILDREN LANDPORT

Sent in by George Tucker of Bedhampton we see a wonderful photograph of the children who lived in the tight community of Landport in 1937. George is fifth from the left front row and his sister Audrey third right second row. other names George remembers are Kenny Finch, Iris Grooms, Bella Jenkins.
COSHAM & NORTH STREET CHILDREN LANDPORT Sent in by George Tucker of Bedhampton we see a wonderful photograph of the children who lived in the tight community of Landport in 1937. George is fifth from the left front row and his sister Audrey third right second row. other names George remembers are Kenny Finch, Iris Grooms, Bella Jenkins.
I was deeply saddened to hear the news this week that former Girls Aloud star and celebrity Sarah Harding had passed away from her battle with cancer.

The young star who was only 39 when she died of breast cancer on Sunday after finding a lump in her breast in December 2019, but delayed getting treatment because Covid hit and everything either slowed right down or stopped…

I can imagine Sarah's story is not the only one which makes the whole thing 10 times sadder.

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She had a full life though, albeit a short one – Girls Aloud are the biggest selling girl-group of the 21st century, selling more than 4m singles and 4m albums. Not bad for a bunch of girls with big dreams who went on a singing reality TV show to find fame, hey?

Her mum took to Instagram to announce her passing, asking that people remember her for her full life and not her illness. It truly amazes me the strength people find in times of sadness and darkness and it's got to be the worst feeling in the world to outlive your child – it's not something I can let my mind go to.

It’s incredibly sad and so unfortunate, especially as so many people beat breast cancer. It just feels like Sarah's situation was potentially avoidable but I'm sure her friends and family will find solace in the fact she lived a life most people only dare to dream about.

As well as her astonishing music career, she also took up acting. She absolutely lived life to the fullest and while she wasn't without her issues (like all human beings) I hope she passed with few regrets.

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I know she spoke openly about wishing she had become a mum and I can emphasise with that feeling – I can't tell you how I feel when I discover that those who wanted to become mums and dads are unable.

My only hope is that Sarah's legacy lives on and the funds that she has donated to further research into preventative measures for those diagnosed with the condition goes into helping prevent other cases like this and please if you suspect a lump, don't delay, not even a day. Go and get it checked.

Rest in Peace Sarah.

I will never take meeting up with friends for granted again

We've had two big birthdays this week for our nieces, Phoebe and Hollie.

Phoebe turned 10 and we had a little shindig up the White Hart in Denmead and Hollie turned 13 – I can't get over the fact she's now a teenager. My best friend Denise also had her birthday this week (I love the fact she's older than me, even if it's only by a couple of months) so it's been a lovely week of celebrations...and cake!

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Phoebe had a biscotti cake in the design of a bucket of chicken nuggets (random I know) but tasted insane and Hollie had this huge chocolate fudge cake tower that had layers of cookie dough. I mean, what's a girl to do?

Even though some form of normal is back for us, I still get so excited at the thought of meeting up with family and friends, I hope I never take it for granted again.

Juggling work and parenthood gives me ‘mum guilt’

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I started my own media recruitment agency called Media Meerkat.

It's going really well and I'm so pleased that I took this leap into it.

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It's hard work – made a lot harder by the fact I'm a mum and desperately trying to juggle it all; sometimes it feels impossibly hard because I struggle so badly with ‘mum guilt’ but I have to keep reasoning with myself that it's all for her too.

I love chatting to people in the industry and although I'm not producing myself now, talking to producers and directors, or production and crew everyday still makes me feel like I'm in the mix with it and it's been great for my mind to get into the habit of thinking about other things other than Harley all day – although she's never far from my thoughts.

I didn't expect to be riddled with guilt over something that I can't control – I have to work, as do most mums and now she's 19 months I just need to get a grip.

If only someone would tell me how!

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