CHERYL GIBBS: My drowned rat look on French Riviera

Yes, it even rains in Monaco...Yes, it even rains in Monaco...
Yes, it even rains in Monaco...
Bonjour, ca va? That's about as far as my schoolgirl French goes, but since I've been here in Cannes on the French Riviera I have been trying to brush up on what I learnt during GCSE French. As you can see, I've not remembered a huge amount but I'd like credit for at least trying.

So here I am once again at the international TV festival called MIPTV.

It’s been incredible, just like it was six months ago when I was last here, except for one major drawback... it’s not stopped raining, and I mean it hasn’t stopped.

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It’s such a shame because it’s a wonderful place to come for work but, apart from the landscape, I could honestly have been back in Blighty.

To be fair, you’ve probably had nicer weather than me and I’m not exaggerating. The other night I woke up to the loud claps of thunder, lightning and torrential rain.

During a very important meeting the other day in a beautiful restaurant off one of the side lanes, the power and lights went off multiple times.

However, it has been a great experience and I managed to get around the coast a little bit as we had meetings in nearby old town Antibes and we went to Nice and Monaco too.

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So, you know me, I’m thrilled that I can stick new pins in my map when I get home.

I was blown away by Nice. It was fabulous and the old town reminded me a bit of The Lanes in Brighton – all cobbled, narrow streets packed with unique shops and one-off boutiques. I loved it.

The city is also famous for Socca, a crispy tortilla-type street food made from chickpeas. It was to die for and even my colleague, who’s a big meat-eater ate the lot. It was just one of those very special places and I really would highly recommend it.

Although this has been a work trip and although it has not stopped raining and I spent most of time looking like a rat from a drainpipe (yes, because of the weather but also down to the fact I packed more summer clothes than winter ones and therefore had to be very imaginative with the clothes I did have), it’s been a wonderful experience and one I consider myself lucky to have had twice in the past year.

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Here’s to the one in October. Perhaps if I order sunshine now it will be delivered?


Khloe Kardashian doesn’t have a lot of luck when it comes to love.

She recently announced she is pregnant for the first time with her recentish boyfriend and now fiance Tristan Thompson.

The pair seemed genuinely in love and happy and while I know you never truly know what goes on behind closed doors, especially not when most of their lives are portrayed on TV for the world to see, it did seem that Khloe had got her life on track following the heartache she experienced with her ex-hubby Lamar Odom.

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However its emerged this week that Tristan has been caught on camera frolicking with two other women last October – when Khloe was three months pregnant. In the tape (although you don’t see his face completely it has to be said) Tristan is fooling around with two women and snogs one of them... certainly not the actions of someone who should be devoted to his loving partner and baby’s mother.


I’ve grown used to being called Gobby Gibbs. It’s a nickname I was given on the radio when I worked for The Quay and it’s a name that’s stuck throughout the years of this column, and I quite like it.

I like to think of it as a term of endearment (at least that’s what I tell myself), but anyway I’ve made my peace with it.

Since I’ve been here in Cannes another name has stuck and I wasn’t quite prepared for it – Pushy Cheryl.

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You see I was invited to dinner by a distributor with whom I get on very well and before we came to Cannes we were asked to create a superhero name for ourselves.

I couldn’t think of one so it was suggested mine could be Pushy Producer Cheryl – not that I am of course, but I was happy to roll with it.

However, all night I was referred to as Pushy Cheryl and introduced that way so now channel executives and production companies all over the world now know me as Pushy Cheryl... still, I have no idea why I’m Gobby and Pushy, do you?